
What is a white paper?

A white paper is a document that describes:

  • a current situation,
  • the need for change,
  • the means to enact change,
  • and the probable impacts of that change

Why have a white paper written?

Leaders nurture new ideas to solve existing problems or to open new avenues for themselves and their communities. They are often among the first to recognize the need for change. How then, does a leader propose change and raise awareness to win support from the community?

Perhaps you are waiting for the opportunity to articulate an idea to your audience. Perhaps you are wondering whether you have all the necessary information at hand to support your idea. Perhaps you are awaiting a sign from your audience that they may be receptive to your idea. A white paper can communicate your idea in such a way that it rationalizes itself both to you and your audience.

What makes a white paper effective?

I shape my white paper solutions to communicate directly to a specific audience. It is crucial to identify the audience for your white paper because this dictates the form and content of the document. Doing so helps it address the needs of that audience. When describing a current situation, it describes issues troubling or affecting that audience. When describing the need for action or change, it underlines urgency on behalf of that audience. And when describing probable impacts, it envisions the implementation of an idea and how it would benefit that audience.

This can also help you understand what you mean to achieve by the use of the white paper. For example, suppose you would like to spin off a popular feature of an app into its own dedicated app. A white paper written for your colleagues may look significantly different than one written for your customers.

White Paper FAQ

Do I need a working solution, product, or service before I have a white paper written?

Not necessarily. A white paper can highlight the need for a solution to a given problem. For example, suppose your organization uses a software that will no longer receive updates from its vendor in the near future. In such a scenario, a white paper could assess the necessity of adopting new software, evaluate and record the criticality of features that must be offered by any future replacement, compare available options on the market, and propose a timeline for the adoption of the new software.

I customize my white paper solutions according to your requirements. I would be happy to discuss your situation to determine the necessary information for the paper.

How is the information in a white paper sourced?

After assessing the objectives of the white paper I will work with you and subject matter experts in your organization to better understand the situation and to familiarize myself with your organization’s unique situation. I am of the opinion that no one knows your organization and industry better than you do so I will take this opportunity to have these interactions inform as much of the content of the white paper as possible. As necessary and applicable, I will also consult extant literature on the given topic to expand our knowledge of the subject and to ensure that the white paper is as well researched as possible.

Does a white paper make specific recommendations?

I write white paper to address your objectives. If you want to propose a specific solution, the white paper can rationalize that to your audience. On the other hand, if you are certain that a change is needed, the white paper can examine and evaluate the options available to you and your audience.

How much time does it take to have a white paper written?

This depends on the scope of the white paper. Most of the time is spent on interviews, research, and documenting data. In addition, we need to factor in periodic reviews with you and other members of your organization. After our initial consultation meeting, I will provide you with an estimate of the time required to complete the white paper.

What does the end product look like? How do you deliver it?

A white paper is a research document that can range anywhere from a few pages to lengths matching typical academic research papers. I am a firm believer in the virtue of brevity so I aim to structure my white papers such that they are brief, direct, and engaging. These documents are typically formatted as Portable Document Format (pdf) files with customized page sizing and design. I deliver a soft copy to you directly along with raw text files as per your requirements.

How much does it cost to have a white paper written?

This depends on the scope of the white paper and the time required to complete it. After our initial consultation meeting, I will present you with an estimate for your consideration. I provide this estimate free-of-charge and you are under no obligation for having received the estimate.

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